Payment protection insurance.
Also known as PPI is the insurance for people who want a security for the repayment for their loans to be on the safe side if something happens to or with them that may forbid them from earning and hence paying back the money they loaned from a bank or other such institutions.
Mis-selling of payment protection insurance
However, PPI Claims sounds to be a good deal, but there are people who do not need them but were, for some reason, sold to them with their loans. Mi selling of PPI means selling them without informing the buyer properly and telling them ambiguous facts related to it. PPI is elective and yet many people had them thinking it was compulsory because of the information routed to them via their loan agents. Some were also made to believe that their loan application may fail or may take longer time if they do not take the PPI from their institution with the loan. Most of the mis-sold cases are from 90’s and some from early 20’s as well. When this issue was unveiled to the govt. the institutions indulge in the practice of selling PPI avoiding proper rules were told to refund the money to the person who successfully claims a mis-sold PPI.
Claiming money back for a mis-sold PPI
Making a PPI claim and making a successful PPI claim are both different things. Anyone could bring a form to make a PPI claim back home and start filling it line by line, but the chances of it turning into a successful PPI claim are not certain to any level. However, there are many law firms and other such agencies that can increase your chances to make a successful PPI claim if not guarantee to do so with affordable fees.
Reference taken from here
Reference taken from here
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